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We are Boga

“Elkarrekin arraunean, BOGA Txalupan, erritmo eta norabide berean”.
Egin Topa, Egin Boga!

Our history

It all started in 2014, when we built our brewing ship on the coast of Biscay. Since then, we have rowed together, taking our beers to different corners and celebrating a decade of passion and teamwork in 2024. Our inspiration is in the sea, a symbol of freshness, strength and connection with our culture, gastronomy and sport.

At Boga Garagardoa we are more than a brewery; We are a community committed to creating beers that reflect our identity, our environment and our roots. From the heart of the Basque Country, we craft each beer, using local ingredients such as Alava malt and Basque hops. Our commitment to KM0 beer not only guarantees authenticity and freshness, but also sustainability and respect for the environment.

Join our story. Come visit us and discover why Boga Garagardoa is much more than beer.


Our Values

Local Basque Beer

Local Basque Beer

We are committed to the local economy and gastronomy, collaborating with nearby producers and suppliers to maintain our roots and strengthen the community.

Natural product

Natural product

Our beer is 100% natural, without artificial additives or preservatives. We take maximum care of each stage of the production process to guarantee maximum quality.

New Beer Culture

New Beer Culture

With each beer, we contribute to a beer revolution from the Basque Country, exploring new flavors, aromas and experiences to create an innovative and exciting beer culture.

The Factory

Our factory, located in Mungia, near the Biscayan coast and the metropolitan area of ​​Bilbao, has a production capacity of 160,000 liters per year.

Visit us to learn more about the brewing process and participate in a professional tasting where you will discover the soul behind our beers.

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